Monday, September 02, 2002

Went to a bellydance compitition Saturday night. Well, it was probably more like very early Sunday morning by the time they got started.

I didn't dance, but watched. Danced after the compitition. It was an SCA sponsored event. A guy there adopted the troupe and brought us water and made sure we were fully hydrated. As much as I drank and I didn't need to pee. It was held outdoors and it was a beautiful night.

Our troupe leader got 3 inquiries from guys about us. Two were about me. This seemed to surprise her since I was the least adorned of us. I had no coinbelt, no hideious jewelry that the others seem to enjoy wearing to excess. I had on a simple black Indian top, a brown skirt and a black shaw around my hips. I had the skirt's waistband rolled under to expose more of my waist and sit a little lower on my hips.

She said he had two guys come up, confirm that the girl in dark was in her troupe and asked about who I was. She never pointed them out to me if they were later at the compition and no one approached me.

Did see one of my overbosses there, the one that fired Grunt. He'd never seen me in anything revealing so much skin and even though it was dark and we were away from the dancing, I caught him looking at my belly several times. I was standing facing the dancing area so the light was on me. He came after the drummers left, that's why we stopped dancing. The drummers had been up early and drumming or fighting all day and were tired. So if he saw me dance, it was from away from the immediate dancing area. But I don't think he did.

I did dance for the guy who fetched us water and looked out for us as a thank you.

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