Sunday, October 28, 2001

Ray bitches about how hot (or cold) my place is. Bitches because I won't let him chat (yahoo crashes my computer). Bitches when my computer crashes when he does chat on yahoo. Bitches about how I don't have much to eat but leftovers. Bitches when I ask him what his problem is. Bitches about how I don't have any bread to eat with the leftovers. Bitches because I won't let him turn channels until I've seen the weather. Bitches when I won't have sex with him. Bitches that 'because you're not my boyfriend' is not a valid reason. Bitches when I tell him to shut up or leave. Bitches when I'm on the phone with my dad and he can't call his friend who is expecting his call. Bitches when I tell him to go to his house and call. Bitches that his roommate has a girl over there. Bitches when I explode and tell him to shut up. Doesn't bitch when I open the door and hold out his coat and glare at him.

Only then does he sit down and shut up.

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Not much going on. Catalog is trying to wrap up, but mangament and details have bogged it down. I'm tired of it, ready to move on to something else. What? I'm not sure, but I'm sure that it will be meaningless and uncreative what ever it is. I can't take half day personal leave to get my car fixed without them calling and insisting that I be picked up and brought to work. No. I need a half day to regroup. Mental health leave or else I'll go nuts and start screaming and yelling... I've done it before and you should have no doubt in your mind that I'll do it again.

I'm planning to take a half day Samhain but everything has to be ready to go the first so I'm not counting on it. Everything is in various stages of being proofed. A forseeable problem I'm seeing is Sue. She is going through the catalog and useing it as an excuse to reverify stuff. Yes, I know the X has been sold with only two stripes and the wrong colors at that, but you know what? Let it slide for this catelog, make a note of it, and do it later. It'll take you a good full day to reverify, and another to get it sewn out. Then I have to rescan it, replace all tif, eps, and jpgs, let the web guy know and then correct the catalog pages and reprint them. That right there is at least another day. Three days to get a design corrected. In the mean time how far are you behind in proofing because of two pages of images you decided were the wrong colors and names? I won't bother asking how long you are online researching the correct and current names either. That design has been sold for years like that, one more catalog won't hurt anything. So next time I ask for a reverifation of a orange bunny eating a purple carrot with a yellow top, don't roll your eyes at me and call me picky, at least it is being done 4 months before catalog.

Why are you fighting me on this Sue???? Huh??? I asked that anything new coming in for verification be given priortiy over everything else. I even helped you by putting a lot of it in the database. It didn't need keywords. Catalog doesn't use keywords. How many hours did you waste inputting keywords when behind you pack after pack was stacking up to be typed into the database. How many hours did I spend typing into the database to keep us on schedual (when that isn't even my job) because you were too damn concerned about the fucking keywords.

Yes, I noticed you restrained your pissiness when you came to ask me about the missing packs that needed keywords. Because I went to your desk, took all the packs and passed you in the hall with them as I went back to my sewout closet and hid them. Yes, I hid them. That way you had nothing else to do but verify and type into the database the packs that were piling up behind you. Did you notice that pile, Sue? The one that Tamara was adding too on an almost hourly basis? The pile that was the reason I was cutting short lunch so I could keep up and keep catalog on schedual. I could have been building pages instead of typing into the database. Do you think I enjoy capitolizing SKU numbers and checking color chips? No, I don't. That's your job. And don't give me some line about taking so long because you had orders to fill. Those orders have a 5 day turnaround, you could have just saved them for the next day.

So pardon me if I don't take break with you, I'm going outside so I don't ring your neck.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

You would think, at least I did, that the full moon brought weirdness and the opposite, the dark moon would bring peace and quiet. Not for me it doesn't. Dark moon on Tuesday and I check my email. Two emails from 2 guys I've been emailing for a few years now. The one in CO sent me nude photos of himself taken by his girlfriend. And the second was from the guy in Scotland who confessed that he has been avoiding my emails lately because he would like something beyond friendship and hasn't had the guts to say anything until now. Then as I'm pondering all this over dinner Ray calls and asks me out.

Monday, October 15, 2001

Finished the quilt this evening. Still needs a border but I'll worry about that later.

Talked to mom Sunday. She's feeling a bit better but still sluggish. She told me that Tom Cruise was in town the past week. The Scientology church bought Arrowhead resort and remodeled it. So he came in for the dedication and open house. When he flew in the pilot tried to land at the base which of couse put them on high alert. When a unexpected civilian plane flies over an ammunition plant where 80% of the bombs that are being dropped on Afganastan are made, they get understandably pissy. He ended up landing at the airport. Mom heard about it at work but there was not one word of it in the paper or on the news until Saturday.

Sunday, October 14, 2001

Worked on the quilt for a better part of today. Got up, made sure we weren't attacked overnight and started sewing. It's almost 4.30 now and I'm still wearing what I went to sleep in last night. Strawberries are thawing in the sink now. Hope to make some strawberry bread tonight. Also want to make apple stuffed chicken breasts and salad for dinner.

Was supposed to go home this weekend but mom called Friday to say she was sick and not to come. She called this morning feeling a bit better but still very icky and said she was glad I didn't come home because she slept all day Saturday. If she doesn't feel better by tomorrow she'll go to the doctor. And mom has to be pretty damn sick if she goes to the dr.

Saturday, October 13, 2001

When to a party last night. The host spent yesterday afternoon talking his mom out of coming and bringing her friends to see his out. Then he was worried about his psycho ex coming and making a scene and he invited Eric the cute driver for Heritage. Eric said he'd bring a stripper.

If this all happened, well, I wanted to be there for it.

None of the above showed up but it was still a good party. I left at 1.30 and it was still happening. Slept soundly when I came home and woke up dehydrated.

Got my Delar Mehndi cds Thurs. This morning I got an email from the .com people telling me my order was shipped Friday. Ummm, ok.

Went to the store this morning and due to the homecoming parade traffic was detoured down Rankin to 15th. There are some cute little houses between 2nd and 15th in that area. Starter homes with real front yards and mature trees with gardens and everything. Nice neighborhoods too, looks like. There are houses like that down around NW 25 but that isn't a safe place and the houses looked runned down.

Thursday, October 11, 2001

Need liquor now. Liquor store is open now. Do I go now? Or do I have a pepsi instead and get a bottle on my way to the party tomorrow?

*cue Jeporady! music*

Ok, a pepsi. I went to the gym today and just worked my arms and upper body. They feel so rubbery right now I doubt I could hold a bottle. Tomorrow is payday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

Why is it the only time I need liquor is when the liquor stores are closed????

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

Ok, so if Osama gets killed then he becomes a martyr. Scratch that idea.

If we put him in prison then his cronies will take hostages and demand his release. nah.

So that leaves one alternative. A sex change.

Yep, we bring him over here, put him in an induced coma for a year or two, pump him full of estrogen, boob job, flip his willy inside out and then send him back to Afganastan to live as a woman under the rule of the Taliban.

Once again I've solved the world's problems in a few hours. Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?


And Rush Limbaugh has lost his hearing. Poor bastard. He can't hear himself anymore but unfortunatly we still can. See, ya big fat idiot, that's what you get for not listening to other people's opinions. Too bad he didn't go mute.

Yesterday the news guy came on and in an all serious tone said that there was startling news about Rush. I looked up at the ceiling, clasped my hands together and said, "please, goddess, let him be gay."

Monday, October 08, 2001

The boobs are gone, but it was fun while it lasted.

I bought a tank of gas at $1.09 a gallon. A full tank for $12.49. When was the last time that happened? oh, about 2 years ago.

This evenings weather is cool but nice. A good deep fall cool, but a bit windy for my taste. I can probably get a few more blooms out of my moonflower before the cold takes it. The 4 o'clocks are still putting out a blossom or two a night. Bless their little hearts, they bloomed with all they had over the summer and each bloom was loved in life and morned in death. Hundreds of blooms a week and all yellow.

Supposed to rain tomorrow.

Bought a little portable cd player for my desk at work. I've been so damn tired of listening to the radio. So today I had 3 cd's to listen to. Tomorrow I'll bring more. Need to buy some more blank cd's so I can make different best of cd's for work. Made the day go faster, that's for damn sure. As much as I like to listen to Rick and Brad, it gets old after a while. And Jack and Ron? Well, that's solid talk and commercials with 2 songs an hour until 10a. No thanks.

Friday, October 05, 2001

OH MY GOD!!!!!!

I've got boobs. Real boobs, not the mosquito bites I normally have. They've almost doubled in size since Monday. I put on my wonderbra this morning and it was mostly boob in there, not cotton. Of course it'll all be gone in a week or less.... but in the mean time I will wear tight white tee-shirts.

Thursday, October 04, 2001

Catalog is coming along better than expected. It's down to the wire. Does managment want a catalog sooner with less images or a later catalog with all images. For some reason they are having problems pulling their heads out of their collective asses to make a decision. If they want a catalog in stock by Dec. 20 then the final deadline has to be Oct 19. Of course they will decide to have an early catalog around Oct 24th and get pissed at us because we have to tell them tough titties, you missed the printing window.

But will they see it as their fault? No they will somehow blame it on us, just like they do all the rest of their nondecisions.

It's called passive-aggressive managment.