Tuesday, October 09, 2001

Ok, so if Osama gets killed then he becomes a martyr. Scratch that idea.

If we put him in prison then his cronies will take hostages and demand his release. nah.

So that leaves one alternative. A sex change.

Yep, we bring him over here, put him in an induced coma for a year or two, pump him full of estrogen, boob job, flip his willy inside out and then send him back to Afganastan to live as a woman under the rule of the Taliban.

Once again I've solved the world's problems in a few hours. Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?


And Rush Limbaugh has lost his hearing. Poor bastard. He can't hear himself anymore but unfortunatly we still can. See, ya big fat idiot, that's what you get for not listening to other people's opinions. Too bad he didn't go mute.

Yesterday the news guy came on and in an all serious tone said that there was startling news about Rush. I looked up at the ceiling, clasped my hands together and said, "please, goddess, let him be gay."

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