Tuesday, September 10, 2002

At the credit union on Saturday she runs my credit history. I look at it from across her desk and there is a credit card on there that I had forgot I had. So I look up online a number for that bank. I call to cancel the account. She can't find it under my name or the old address I was at when I had the card.

Do you have an account number? she asked. No, I explained that I used the card regularly and when it expired 6 or so years ago, the bank never sent me a new one. Now I'm buying a car and want old accounts closed. She told me the account number should be on the history so now I have to call the bank, talk to the woman there and find out the account number.

This sucks big time. I hate buying a car. It's emotionally and physically exhausting. And later it'll be financially exhausting as well.

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