Monday, September 09, 2002

So there I was, surfing the net for porn, chatting on icq with a long time buddy and basically minding my own business when I had a yahoo instant message come through. Guess who from? Kevin. Remember him, the bdsm lawyer? I was frozen mid icq message, all I could do was blink hard a few times.

I figured when I sent him off to golf that Saturday morning, that would be the last time I would ever see or hear from him. But as he pointed out it was obvious I needed space and he gave it to me. So, 3 weeks later he was checking on me to see how I was doing. I'm not sure how to react to that.

I did a lot of thinking and I realize that there are 2 things about him that I'm not entirely comfortable with. The biggest is his son. A cute little blond boy child that he has every weekday 3.30 - 6 or 7 and a full day on the weekend. The problem is I'm not ready to make my plans with Kevin around the boy's schedule. And I have no right to say, 'no, don't have your kid this evening, I want to come over.'

The second thing is he's a Christian. I'll date Christians, but as far as having a serious relationship with them... the thought makes me a bit owly. I do know that I have no intrest in marrying a Christian and don't want my child(ren) raised as one.

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