Thursday, May 22, 2003

Last week's Friday Five but I'm doing them anyway, cause I want to post but don't have anything exciting to report.

1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?

At home I drink from the tap. At work there are numerous water coolers around that I drink from. And on occassion I'll buy a bottle of water on my way to dance class. I don't really have a favorite and I've been known to drink warm water because it's the only thing around (in the middle of the woods) and I'm thristy.

2. What are your favorite flavor of chips?

Lay's plain chips. I'm also a big fan of crunchy cheetos.

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?

Pork chops with sweet potatoes and pineapple.

4. How do you have your eggs?

fried with a soft yoke. the runnier the better, then you sop up the rest of the yoke with a piece of toast.

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?

Mom. She made lasagna and it was pretty good. Meant to bring the leftovers home with me, but forgot them.

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