Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Jerry Springer is running for Congress. Didn't he write a hot check to a hooker when he was mayor of Cincinnati?

Not much going on. I've been casually hanging out with a guy from work, Tom, who rides a bike. Sometimes he'll pick me up and we'll go somewhere. I like second gear.

Another friend, Rob, recently graduated med school. I was on the phone with him the other night and he said that he scored some free samples of Viagra at a hospital he's working at. He wants to try them out but doesn't have a girlfriend right now. I said when he comes up at the end of August to bring them and we can try them. I've been curious about viagra altered sex. I don't think he believes me though. He told me that I'm a very unique kisser and that my lips are like butter. I'm guessing that's a compliment.

Been feeling better overall. Last week was pretty rough, I didn't sleep well and was tired all the time. I'm finally able to sleep most of the night and not wake up as often. I've been having some weird dreams too. It's been years since I've dreamed this much. About every other morning I'll wake up and remember one or two dreams. My therapist was on vacation last week and I go back tomorrow. I need to take my jounal and let her see it. The last few weeks have been very up and down emotionally.

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