Monday, July 28, 2003

Ahhh, the sounds of summer. The dry chirp of the cicada, which I seem to be the only one on Earth that enjoys the sounds of. Then there is the sound of air conditioners which I can't stand. The screaming kids splashing water at each other, that I can tolerate in doses. I was very thankful when the managment made it a rule that one one under 16 was allowed at the pool after 9. Of course it was too dark to read by then, but it was at least quiet.

I got to draw in therapy today. Some sort of Maori thing. I drew a snake, bird, butterfly, mountain, flower, path, tree and shelter. I have to hang it up somewhere and look at it then take it back next week and we'll go over the meanings. Since I like to be creative and I don't have an outlet for it at work, she thinks doing something creative will help.

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