Sunday, July 27, 2003

I've been keeping in touch with Rex off and on since March. Just the occasional email or phone call. I sent him an im Wednesday after work asking how much he was familiar with a certain legal topic. I didn't expect him to im back right then but he did. We chatted and he said that day was the birthday of the Russian kid he's hosting. Said he might be coming into the city and did I want to come along. I said sure.

A few hours later he calls and says he's an hour out from me and he has with him his secretary, C who is also celebrating her birthday, and C's best friend K. They pick me up and we head out to this sushi place on Reno just east of Meridian. On the drive out there C tells me she had a boob job 2 weeks ago, a birthday/divorce present to herself. It was 9.40 when he got there and the place closed at 10. As we were walking across the parking lot, Rex came up behind me and took my hand. That really surprised me, I wasn't expecting that at all.

In the middle of dinner C, who has had nothing to drink, decides to show everyone at the table her new boobs. We're the only customers there and all the staff is in the back. Up comes the top, open comes the bra, a front latched sports bra. Her boobs aren't really that pretty. The bruising was gone but they looked terribly and unnaturally round and solid. The staff came out a bit later with icecream for the birthday people and she gave them an encore and recieved a standing ovation.

Then it was time for some clubbin'. We went down the street a few blocks to Night Trips. A strip club. Women get in free when accompanied by a guy. So Rex only paid two cover charges. It was the Russian boy's 21st birthday and he had left his ID at Rex's. Rex leans over the counter and says to the guy that it's his 21st birthday, he forgot his ID and he was a lawyer representing him on a case. The guy lets him in. Russian boy worked as a bartender in a strip club when he was 19.

Rex told K that she had to earn her beer money by tipping the girls. He bought me and C a lap dance. I asked her the policy on touching. She said I couldn't touch but I could graze my hands 'accidently.' She was incredably soft and smelled so pretty. Afterward I asked her what she was wearing, gardenia lilly from Bath and Body Works. I thanked her and she gave me a hug.

Rex bought Russian boy a showtime. Several times Rex would put his arm around me or once when I was touching my hair that's in a bun, he was touching my hand at the same time. At one point he asked what would I be doing if he hadn't invited me out with them. I said probably doing laundry and then maybe hanging out with this guy I had been hanging out with a bit lately. As I'm telling him this, not thinking he'd give a rat's ass, he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer and holds me tight to him with both arms like I'm going to run away or something.

I'm thinking, what the hell? You cheated on me, now things are over between us, we're hanging out at friends and you seem a bit jealous when I talk casually about another guy?

We kissed for quite a while when he walked me to my door and said he wished he had come seperatly instead of all together in one car. Then Thursday he im's me thanking me for an interesting and different night out. And says he wishes 'we had more time last night'.

I'm confused.

THen Rob comes over Thursday night unexpected. He's at the OU medical library studing for his boards and needed a place to crash. I know from past conversation that Rob wants to marry a good little catholic girl who will stay at home and raise their 4 or 5 kids. He's not having any luck because lately he's been dating other medical students. Like a woman is going to waste all that time and money on medical school to become a baby producing doormat. No Thank You.

Then he asks about us maybe becoming occasional lovers. I told him, that maybe two or three years ago, I would have been agreeable to that, but now, I want a relationship that includes deep caring/love, committment, loyalty, kindness, humor, etc. All the stuff that comes with a long term relationship. Not something you care about in a fuck buddy.

"Well, I hope you find someone like that. I'll be very happy for you when you do."

Earlier in the evening we had been talking about bad girls and good girls. Guys fuck bad girls but marry good girls said Rob. I guess he sees me as a bad girl because I go to strip clubs, have a pierced nose, am craveing a tattoo and have other enjoyments and interests that supposedly 'good girls' don't have.


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