Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Last night I went to a different bellydance class. The instrutor is Raquel, she was born in Spain and raised in Egypt. She's been bellydancing since she was a little girl and has danced professionally throughout the Middle East since adulthood as well as some modeling. She asked where I had danced before and when I told her, she laughed and said she's been getting lots of students from that studio. Mostly flaminco students. "I don't ask for them, they just come." she said in a heavily accented voice.

I'm getting bored in Delphi's class. She doesn't show us anything new. Beth and Sue have been there for almost 3 yrs and I know what they know. They seem happy, so does Cynthia who's been with us for almost a year. But I'm bored and I want to learn new moves. I learned more in one hour with Raquel than I have in the last 6 months with Delphi. I'll probably continue going to Delphi's class since I'm in her troupe and I do feel a bit of loyalty there. Misplaced loyalty probably, it seems that when I'm outside the studio with them and we're out as a group, I feel more tolerated than welcomed. But I'll at least stick around until she gets someone else trained to dance my spot in the Desert Rose routine so I don't leave her hanging.


Rex is about to have his truck repossessed since he's defaulted on a loan where the truck was used as collateral. He took the loan out at a bank in Tulsa when he was still living with his wife. He doesn't know I know this though.

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