Tuesday, November 26, 2002

I barely talked at all during dance warm ups and very little during practice but to ask where my hands should be, if I'm turning at the same time as everyone else, etc. Del asked if I was ok during warm ups since I was so quiet. I nodded, plastered on a fake smile and said yes.

Sitting there, stretching for all I'm worth and listening to Del, Beth and Sue bitch about how they ate something they knew they shouldn't eat and now their joints ache, they got a zit, their nails broke, they got a headache or whatever because they consumed food they knew wasn't good for them.

I'm think, 'gee, I was minding my own business and developed dysplasia.' Excuse the fuck out of me for being quiet and patiently trying to deal with your self centered, woe is me, should have known better but did it anyway and now I'm suffering attitude and trying desperatly not to walk over and punch you a good one square between the eyes.

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