Thursday, April 25, 2002

My jaw is still a wee bit tender from the surgery.

Sunday Tommy called me up to invite me to lunch with him, Andy and Grant. I said sure since I was looking for a reason not to do laundry. After lunch I went home to get K-PAX and they went to rent a movie and we all ended up at Andy's. We watched K-PAX first. Tom came home after volleyball and hockey games, took a shower and joined watched too. Tommy had a game at 9 so he left during Bandits.

After the movie Tom channel surfed for a while then Jen and Andy went to bed. Me and Tom sat on the floor watching the end of Quills before I said I needed to leave. After about half an hour of kissing Tom in the foyer I did finally leave.

Wednesday I learned that Tommy had been hurt in his hockey game and had a splint on his leg. He's also loosing his job at Hertz on Tuesday due to cutbacks. "I've known about it for a while now, sorry I didn't tell you." he said when I expressed concern and sympathies for him. Apparently he has quite a sizable sum saved up and he's taking a month, maybe two off and bum around before looking for another job.

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