Tuesday, April 16, 2002

I called Tommy this evening to apologize to him. I didn't mean to freak him out. He in turned apologized for being freaked out.

Never in my life would I ever imagine myself apologizing for kissing a guy. The reaction I got was exactly like that scene in Back to the Future when Michael J. Fox got kissed by his mom.

"I'm scaring you aren't I?" I asked after the kiss
"Yeah, you are, actually. I just don't have much experience with this." he said.

I kissed him again. Then worried that I freaked him out. It wouldn't surprise me if he's a 27 yr old virgin.

So, the House of Three Men is currently reigned over by Jen, keeper of Andy who is the owner of the House of Three Men. That leaves me with the 2 Toms. I like them both equally but Tommy's innocence isn't in his favor. I don't mind 'training' him, but neither do I want the job of breaking his heart either. Some other woman can fuck him over and then he can come to me. I prefer my men broken in.

Tom and Tommy are friends, teammates in hockey. I don't want to mess up their friendship. I'd rather see Tom in the hall and think of his lips on my neck than lie in his arms and think of the friendship I destroyed.

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