Wednesday, April 17, 2002

I'm having oral surgery tomorrow. 8am.

On the plus side, since I'm going to be home and in pain all day and not wanting to look at a messy house, I got a bit of cleaning done. Cleaned the kitchen, did a load of laundry, straightned a bit and vacuumed. After coming back with the laundry I spotted my grocery list on the table and realized I had forgot to grocery shop. I do need soup if nothing else.

I have no one to take care of me tomorrow. I've mixed feelings about that. Part of me says fine, I was raised to be tough and independent. Part of me says, give me a warm body, a heartbeat and a pair of arms to wrap around me to keep me safe and warm and make the pain at least a bit more bearable.

I've asked Ray a few times if he'd mind stopping in and while he says 'sure' I'm not counting on him. I've learned that lesson the long and hard way. I'm stocked up on ice cream and have a pharmacy right close to the dentists office that takes my insurance so I'll be able to get my perscripions filled quickly. I'm going to ask that they be phoned in when I get there that way I don't have to wait when I pick them up.

So I'm off to the grocery store and get soup, bread, sugar and milk.

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