Friday, July 09, 2004

my dog is an addict

When I brought Whiskey home he had a vet's appointment within the hour. He was full of worms which I expected. Since he was small, sick and weak it wasn't much of a problem to hold him and squirt de-wormer down his throat.

Then he got neutered and prescribed liquid pain killer and antibiotic capsules for 10 days. The painkiller wasn't a problem. It smelled like cherries. I let him sniff the syringe and when he started chewing on it I quickly squirted the stuff down and in 20 minutes he was damn hyper and I was worried he was going to open the inscision site.

The pills were stuffed into bits of hot dogs or served hors durve style on a dog treat with peanut butter. One morning I was running late and forgot to give Whiskey his pill. I called Scott and ask him to dose him. That night I asked if he took it pretty good and Scott said he handed the pill to Whiskey and he played with it it a bit before he ate it.
"Just the pill?"
"no peanut butter?"
"no hot dog?"
"just a straight pill?"

I grew up with a pair of beagles, who, with their Super Sniffers, could detect a pill laced treat before you stepped outside the door and were equally adept at eating the treat and spitting out a drool coated intact pill. We became pretty creative in the art of pill disguising.

I didn't believe Scott so he gave Whiskey his evening pill as I watched. He licked and sniffed it and it gave him a cute little green spot on his tongue. Finally the capsule had disolved enough that it popped open in his mouth and he swallowed down the powder before getting a drink of water. I could barely believe my eyes.

My dog likes taking pills and medicine.

My dog. The junkie.

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