Thursday, July 22, 2004

The little old lady in accounting was fired yesterday at 6pm after working a full day. They like to do that where I work. Fire you after putting in a full 8 hour day. They also like to wait until you come back from vacation and fire you at the end of your first day back.  She was quiet and very friendly. If someone consistantly screws up their job word gets around, especially in a small company of about 50 employees. No one ever heard or said a bad word about her. Not good for morale. Not good at all.

In puppy news, which I'm sure you're sick of hearing about, Whiskey is practicing hiking a leg when he goes out for a whiz. Not every time he goes out, but I'd say 1 in 5 trips. It's so funny because he'll raise it a bit and he'll wobble to keep his balance. One day he was feeling very confident and hiked that back leg as high as it'll go. But that honor only went to the last few drops.

I'm sitting here telling you about my dogs latest bathroom habits. I need to get a life.


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