Tuesday, December 24, 2002

I watched Lilo & Stitch last week. It made me cry when Stitch went to the jungle with the book and said 'lost.' And not just a few tears rolling down the cheek cry either. Full tilt, horrible gasping can't see through the tears bawling. I pulled myself together and was doing pretty good until Lilo is in the glass tube and says, 'don't leave me, ok?' and Stitch says, 'ok.' Yep, lost it again.

I have issues with abandonment. Big ones. But I don't know why since I've never been abandoned in my middle class average upbringing. Even going to the store, my mom told me she'd never leave me there even if she was there for hours looking for me, she'd never leave me behind.

Also rented Men in Black 2 and Ice Age. Both cute and damn funny.

It snowed yesterday most of the night and through this afternoon. Around 4.30 I went out and returned the videos I rented and picked up Gross Pointe Blank, Shawshank Redemption, and Wings of a Dove. I've been catching Shawshank on tv but it is the edited for time and content version so I don't watch it for more than a few minutes.

Hollywood Video sent me coupons for rentals. Three movies for 99 cents each per coupon, 4 coupons per mailing. So unless it's a special occasion or something I really have to see, I don't rent unless they send me coupons. I wanted to get the Sex and the City third season, but Vol 1 was rented out.

I'm staying here for Christmas day. My brother is probably snowed in at Tulsa and dad has to work. I didn't want to leave this morning because the roads are icky and I wasn't sure how long the snow would last. Thought about leaving tomorrow and just staying the day, but it'd be around 10a when i got there and I'd have to leave around 2.30p in order to make it back here before the roads refroze. No point in that. So me and my brother will be in for the weekend.

I asked for a 19" tv and nothing else. Sure hope I got it.

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