Wednesday, October 16, 2002

I went to the dentist this morning for a cleaning. While I was gone a nurse from my gyno's office called both home and work leaving voicemail at both places. I had a routine pelvic exam about 3 weeks ago. At least I thought it was routine.

So I called back and was told the woman I was asking for only works half days on Wed. She called at noon, just before she left, asking me to call her back as soon as possible. Is this about a scheduling? No, I'm guessing it's about lab work, she called two different numbers leaving messages for me I explained.

A hour and a half later someone else called me. She explained that my pap smear came back abnormal and the doctor ordered a biospy and can I come in Nov 1st? Ok. She explained that they see that kind of result all the time and for them it's a routine thing. The biopsy will come back either normal or not and then treatment options will be discussed if that's the case.

I've never had an abnormal smear before so I'm a bit scared and worried.

So this evening I treated me and my abnormal cervical cells to bit of splurge shopping at the mall.

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