Tuesday, October 26, 2004


listening to: the cool breeze outside
Whiskey is: smelling the aloe vera

Got the mail today and in it was a flyer from the anti-choice, anit-gay, anti-sex eductation, anti-porn, anti-nonChristian religions shoot anyone who's different pinched face needs to be fucked up the ass rePUBlican. I called the number on the flyer and very politely said I didn't want to receive any more of his propoganda and please remove me from your mailing list. The cow(his wife) who answered the phone hung up on me. Can you believe that shit?

Kevin was telling me that he gets all sorts of weird phone calls from supporters and militant conservatives alike and he listens to all of them. Or at least the ones that keep their language clean. I was very polite but did she ask me to repeat my address? no. Or how to spell my name? no. Or that I wouldn't be receiving anymore trees who died in vein in my mail box? no.

In the flyer was a picture of his wholesome family of a daughter and son (who's body language suggested he wanted to be standing as far from his dad as possible) along with a cat that looked damn unhappy to be there.

Came home for dinner and to let the dog out. Heading back to work for another few hours so I can get enough done so I don't have to work this weekend.

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