Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I'm trying to get rid of the junk in my life, physical, emotional and electronic. So I've spent a part of this evening skimming through emails I've saved for some reason. Some of them date back to 1995! Here's some of the stuff I've found in my 'sent' folder

I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots
wore helmets.
--David Edison


A girl commited sucide in the dorms the
monday after thanksgiving. She was a freshman. Everyone is wondering
"why? why? she seemed so happy" It got me thinking, ya know, she knew
what she was in for in the next 4 years. I had the same thoughts, fears,
the only difference was she had the guts to go though with it (or the
lack of guts to stick it out). I watched her parents load her stuff into
the car. Life really does go on, doesn't it? The concerns of the living
still need to be addressed like the pink eye epidemic on 3rd floor, all
10 stalls out of toilet paper on 2nd, roaches as big as your thumb in the


ok, so after i emailed you a few hours ago i got to thinking, which as
you know can be dangerous for someone like me, or you, depending on what
i think up.

zits, death, and the all american dream

have you seen on the news that a new acne drug is being labeled with a
warning to doctors to watch for depression and sucidal tentencies in


you have bad skin, and no one wants to go out with you, you become
depressed, go to the doctor and get this medicine. a few weeks later,
your skin has cleared up but no one still wants to go out with you, you
become depressed. realizing you're a loser you kill yourself.

i don't know about you but i can hear sam kenison doing a bit on this.

now what the hell does 'PB if you have any' mean? Peanut butter? yes, I
have some, will I send it to you? probably not, unless that's your tweek
and you've been barred from the local grocery store. :)

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