Tuesday, April 29, 2003

I called a psychiatrist office today to set up an appointment to get a perscription for antidepressants. She said it'd be 2 week wait for new patients, puts me on hold and comes back and says the earliest I can get in is May 29th. Wonderful. A whole month. Plus I need to call my insurance and get pre-authorized whatever the fuck that means. The secretary said I'd like the dr, a woman. Of course she would say that, I think it was more to reassure me since I was about to cry when told I'd have to wait a month.

The insurance booklet only listed two for here. The first number I called now belongs to a private residence. The others have offices deep within OKC, we're talking about a 20 minute drive one way.

I'm taking vacation from work May 12-16.

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