Sunday, April 06, 2003

Friday morning
To: Rex@...
From: rette@...
Subject: none

Today I'm mailing you a letter. All I ask it that you read it. It's short, one page,
that's all. I really wanted to tell you in person, or at least on the phone. I tried to
keep it as positive as possible.

I have no idea how or what you're feeling right now. But I'm hoping my letter will make
you feel better, I think it will. It made me feel better. Please let me know that you got
this email. You don't have to write anything, just hit reply and send.

I'd like to talk to youwhen things settle down for you. Please keep in touch. I miss you.

with love and gentleness,

Friday afternoon (typos are his)
To: rette@...
From: Rex@...
Subject: none

thank you i was afriad to even open the email

thank oyu again

yes we will talk soo thank oyu thank oyu

love oyu babe i have been thinking a lot of oyu

thank you

Why is he thanking me? Does he know that it's a 'lets just be friends letter' and he's thankful that I wrote it so he didn't need to grow a pair of balls and tell me himself? Is he thankful that I didn't chew his ass out in that email. I had every right under the sun to do so. But I didn't. Nor did I in the letter. I don't like things ending on a bad note, especially things that I've enjoyed and want to keep pure in my heart. And I told him as much in that letter.

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