Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Two days down, three more to go, then I'll be out of here for a week. Well, a few days anyway. I have a few quilting projects I need to finish up and I'll take those with me along with a sewing machine. Last night I stayed up late to finish quilting my wheat wall hanging. I had only planned to do what was within the bounds of my little 11"x11" quilting frame, but after I was done, I only had about 4 inches left, so I just finished it right then. It looks real good. you can tell where I started since the stitches are uneven and a bit katty-whompus. I did the border last and by then I had learned how to keep my stitches consistant if not small.

Hopefully I'll get around to binding it tomorrow and then I can take it to work and hang it up and have something to stare at when I should be pretending to work. And for whatever reason, the guys in my area like to keep it about 69 degrees in there. Which for a skinny butt like me, is damn near freezing. I think I'll gather up some of my prettier scraps and make a lap quilt to tuck around me at work.

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