Tuesday, August 19, 2003

I spy with my little eye....

... something brown

Oh!oh! I know! The shit on this website!


Wrong, puppies. Just the color, not the content. At least I hope not the content. See what happens when good websites (like mine) go bad (when they don't get remodeling suggestions).

Which reminds me: I took private swimming lessons when I was 13. The woman teaching me had a 2 year old daughter. One day she brought along a package of M&Ms to teach her the colors. Grass Green, Sun Yellow, Do-Do Brown. That's how I'm going to teach my kid the colors. And I'll use fries and onion rings to teach him about sex. He'll be the smartest overweight kid in kindergarten, not to mention having the highest cholesterol. That means he'll be able to count to at least 300.

I think I need to go to bed now.

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