Monday, January 12, 2004


Yes, the rumors are true. I cleaned. Not just straighted, not just put a few things away and took out the trash. I cleaned.

Scott came over and we took my car to get serviced and on the way home stopped and got 3 of those big storage bins that slide under the bed. (The only place I have room for storage). He watched tv for a bit and read a Calvin and Hobbs book while I got to work. He read me some of the funnier ones as I was on my hands and knees fishing out junk from behind the couch and from under the kitchen table. He allowed me breaks, but if I dwaddled or started channel surfing he'd take the remote out of my hands and say 'don't you have a house to clean?'

We went to lunch when I started getting a hunger induced headache. After lunch I was feeling a bit worse and took some excedrine and a 20 min nap. Then I started on the corner by the kitchen table. The worse part of the whole place. It went quicker than I expected and wasn't too bad. Basically it was several bags of quilt fabric and a few craft projects. Had to go out and get another storage bin. By the time I was done, I filled 4 bins with either books or fabric, took out 5 grocery bags of trash and donated a set of sheets, comforter and 4 more grocery bags of clothes to a second-hand store.

My carpet is beige and in desperate need of a vaccuuming. I couldn't stop giggling as I looked around at my clean abode.

On the coffeetable and kitchen table I have a small pile of stuff that I need to do something with. Stuff that needs a bit more thought than the split second 'keep or toss' that I had made many many times already.

Between my headache and cleaning I was too tired to get my sex reward for cleaning. Scott had been working nights and was also tired so we just went to bed and *gasp* slept.

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