Wednesday, November 13, 2002

I was supposed to have my biopsy yesterday but surfing the crimson wave kinda put me out of the mood for that so I called and had it moved back to next Tuesday.

Mom was diagnosed as diabetic two weeks ago and had surgery last week. It was outpatient to put a tube in her bladder to help it drain as she's been having kidney problems lately. But she never told me when I went home the weekend before. Dad told Cameron so he called her that afternoon, but she never called me until I got off work. Said she didn't want me to worry and apologized for it. I told her not to worry about it. I haven't told her I'm getting a biopsy of my cervix for the same reason. If the test comes back fine I probably won't tell her about it, but if something is found I'll say something.

Mom had surgery again today. She has kidney stones and this morning went into outpatient to have them broken up. I'm not sure what it's called but they put her on a big bag of water and using sound waves or something broke them up. It was non-invasive and left her bruised bad but otherwise she's feeling pretty good.

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