Monday, October 07, 2002

I've got the gronk. I woke Sunday at my parents house with a runny nose and heavy chest. But after a pair of whatever mom handed me I felt better. This morning I woke up with the same thing and this time it isn't going away. The box of cold pills says non drowsy but it's slowed me down and I've spent a better part of the day in some Anna Nicole like haze.

Saturday morning I went to my parents. Me and mom did a bit of running around, nothing major. Dad got off work around 4 and then me and him went to a camp ground/park area not too far away and caught and tagged Monarch butterflies as a part of a migratory study. The tags are these tiny little round stickers with a mailing address and a number. We recorded the number, sex of the butterfly, and location tagged. Then released them to fly away to Mexico. It was really cool. We took turns putting the tag on them and then I released them all. The kit the university in St. Louis gave him contained 25 tags. We tagged 4 the other day. He caught a 5th one but as he was getting it out of the net he didn't have a secure grip on it's body and it slipped away.

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