Tuesday, September 24, 2002

How can we have 20 gigs of space on our server at work a month ago and today have it gone???

I don't know either.

All I know was I was scanning an image for a label wondering if I should let the new guy continue doing the cd toppers or if I should do them at the same time I do the labels since it would save time. Or not because the toppers aren't as time sensitive as the labels since we print toppers inhouse. I hit save, it tells me we're out of disk space.

No you're not. Hit save again.

Out of disk space.

I toggle over to the open Photoshop document which was an old scan of the label, just at the wrong dpi. I scanned and saved that a few minutes before then discovered it was at the wrong dpi when I opened it. So I closed that tif, toggled back to the scanner and tried to save over the old one.

Out of disk space.

What the ffff....

Toggle over to windows explorer, graphics server, right click -> properities. Available Disk Space = 0KB

Well shit.

I turn around to tell my supervisor, WeasleBoy, when the tech guy walks in with a paper and hands it to him. When the server ran out of space it alerted the tech guy, who printed out something and walked to grahics with it. WeasleBoy says there is some video on the graphics server and he'll remove it and put it on the media server. It is supposed to be on the media server to begin with dumbass, that's why they bought a 500Gigs worth of disk and put it on it's own server, not to put that shit on my graphics server.

That's it. I'm lobbying for my own dedicated server for my images. I have over 19,000 eps, 30,000 tifs, and 50,000 jpgs I'm responsible for. Not to mention almost 800 code sheets and 800 pdfs for those code sheets. That's a butt load of space. Not to mention that we are also saving our other projects on that server as well and those folders can be from a few megs to 100 megs or larger each.

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