Saturday, October 13, 2001

When to a party last night. The host spent yesterday afternoon talking his mom out of coming and bringing her friends to see his out. Then he was worried about his psycho ex coming and making a scene and he invited Eric the cute driver for Heritage. Eric said he'd bring a stripper.

If this all happened, well, I wanted to be there for it.

None of the above showed up but it was still a good party. I left at 1.30 and it was still happening. Slept soundly when I came home and woke up dehydrated.

Got my Delar Mehndi cds Thurs. This morning I got an email from the .com people telling me my order was shipped Friday. Ummm, ok.

Went to the store this morning and due to the homecoming parade traffic was detoured down Rankin to 15th. There are some cute little houses between 2nd and 15th in that area. Starter homes with real front yards and mature trees with gardens and everything. Nice neighborhoods too, looks like. There are houses like that down around NW 25 but that isn't a safe place and the houses looked runned down.

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